Coils to Locs Blog

Your Ultimate Resource for Natural Hair Journeys. Explore Inspiring Stories, Tips, and Much More.


cancer survivor story

Be Your Own Best Advocate: Traceys' Story

By Pamela Shaddock

How did you learn that you have cancer? How did you come to terms with your diagnosis? I found a lump during a self-breast exam...

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cancer survivor story

Tamron’s Journey: Beating Cancer with Faith!

By Pamela Shaddock

How did you learn that you have cancer? How did you come to terms with your diagnosis?  I was initially diagnosed with a fibroid tumor...

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cancer survivor story

“Prayers and Faith”, Kalia’s Cancer Journey

By Pamela Shaddock

How did you learn that you have cancer? How did you come to terms with your diagnosis? I learned I had cancer in 2017 a...

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Hair loss stories

Denise’s Natural Hair Loss Journey: Dealing with Alopecia with the Help of Her Daughter

By Pamela Shaddock

How did you learn that you have cancer? How did you come to terms with your diagnosis?  I do not have cancer. I have alopecia.   What...

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