Coils to Locs Blog
Your Ultimate Resource for Natural Hair Journeys. Explore Inspiring Stories, Tips, and Much More.
Understanding Medical Codes for Cranial Prosthetics and Wigs
Support for Black Women Facing Medical Hair Loss Introduction For Black women facing medical hair loss, finding the right wig or cranial prosthetic can be...
Dianne’s Journey: From Diagnosis to Empowerment
A Breast Cancer Survivor Tale The Spring of 2015 was the year that the trajectory of life as I knew it would change. It was...
Alopecia and Hair Loss: Understanding the Types and Coping Mechanisms
Hair loss can be a traumatic experience for anyone, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. The sudden appearance of bald patches, spots on the scalp,...
Alopecia, Family, and Faith: Patricia's Quest for Hair Restoration
I have alopecia. My journey began with thick, beautiful hair at birth. After my father died in 1993, I was diagnosed with hypertension and started...
Preventing Hair Loss: The Impact of Tight Braids and Traction Alopecia on Your Beautiful Curls - Pamela’s Story
In my pre-teen years, I found myself captivated by the incredible braiding skills of my neighbor, Miss Dorothy. She would sit on her front porch,...
All Things Being Equal: Diversity in Healthcare
Choosing to wear a wig when experiencing cancer or other medical related hair loss is a personal choice. When Dianne lost her hair due to chemotherapy back...
Techniques for Self Care in the Chair – Everybody Needs It
Everybody knows they should be taking more than a little time for some self-care. But, with job deadlines, kids, household chores and on and...
Impact-Driven Businesses Bring About a Season of Change
How do you measure the year in the life of a business? By the active commitment from an organization named Halcyon determined to help them...